Monday, September 01, 2014

In-Labor Day

Labor Day! Tiny, pitiful respite from the unrelenting, brutal erosion of working life in a post-industrial society!

Naked pictures of several starlets were recently hacked from the iCloud, reinforcing our cultural notion of celebrities in general and female celebrities in particular that they are part of our entitlement consumer consumption. Sad shit.

I only caught one newish film this week, David Mackenzie's British prison drama Starred Up. I don't know why prison dramas have such a legacy in film history, but they do, I guess mirroring the prison narratives in literature. Many of them are about escape, but some are simply dramas about life on the inside - the principle of realism being that escape isn't a possibility. Starred is good, a fairly straightforward look at British prison brutality with a slight critique of the system. It ultimately doesn't dive very deeply in any respect, but is worth catching for the performances.

Music from:

The Hunger, 1983 - Michel Rubini
Ghostbusters, 1984 - Elmer Bernstein
The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai, 1984 - Michael Boddicker


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