Monday, July 15, 2013

Pacific Rim-jobs and interesting outcomes.

This weekend a fat asshole was found not guilty for murdering the unarmed teenager he murdered. We, on the other hand, saw a live-action anime where monsters fought robots. The Japanese girl from Babel and a reanimated Heath Ledger pilot an Eva...sorry...a Macross...sorry, a Jaeger and battle some monsters, an honest-to-god anime made non-animated. I'm starting to lose some of the geek hero-worship for Guillermo del Toro. The man can do sets and effects like a boss, but his writing can be infantile and nerdy in the worst ways.

We heard music from the following:

Back to the Future, 1985 - Alan Silvestri
Men in Black III, 2012 - Danny Elfman
Godzilla films - various
The Mysterious Island, 1961 - Bernard Herrmann


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