The Drive-In Speaker Box is a weekly two hour radio program devoted to the bizarre and colorful underbelly of the wide world of cinema and TV. Tune in Mondays from 8pm to 10pm on KXUA 88.3FM in Fayetteville Akransas
Monday, July 15, 2013
Pacific Rim-jobs and interesting outcomes.
This weekend a fat asshole was found not guilty for murdering the unarmed teenager he murdered. We, on the other hand, saw a live-action anime where monsters fought robots. The Japanese girl from Babel and a reanimated Heath Ledger pilot an Eva...sorry...a Macross...sorry, a Jaeger and battle some monsters, an honest-to-god anime made non-animated. I'm starting to lose some of the geek hero-worship for Guillermo del Toro. The man can do sets and effects like a boss, but his writing can be infantile and nerdy in the worst ways.
We heard music from the following:
Back to the Future, 1985 - Alan Silvestri
Men in Black III, 2012 - Danny Elfman
Godzilla films - various
The Mysterious Island, 1961 - Bernard Herrmann
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