Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Review

Howdy Folks,

I'm gonna try something new this week, as asking you kiddos to download a weekly podcast that's nearly 2 hours long seems to be asking a lot. Everyone says they "don't have two hours to listen to a free radio show" but then they go out and spend money and over two hours to watch terrible movies that are far less entertaining than hearing great music and listen to me poke fun at stuff. This time around, I'm clipping out just my review of the Mummy. So that way you only have to listen to 10 minutes of the good stuff, and I don't have to give myself carpel tunnel from typing furiously about how a movie made me want to choke people.

With that said, feel free to download the review below, and play the following game while you listen. It's called "What movie is this image from!?" and it's a lot of fun, you'll see.

And if you're still too lazy to download the audio and laugh your ass off, then I'll just say that the movie wasn't very good, and you're no fun.


Why must Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh always be pointing swords and stuff at people? It's almost as stereotypically offensive as a Charlie Chan movie...


Atardicorp Studios said...

I liked the 1st Mummy despite it's shortcomings. No way I'm ever watching this one though. Thanks 4 the warning.

The Boom Operator said...

Yep, I loved the first one, and even enjoyed the second one quite a bit. This one really let me down.

The Boom Operator said...

See? The only reason to see this movie is to see exactly more of the same stuff those two have already done several times over.

Too bad the same didn't apply to Brendan Fraser...